We live in a world where pressure comes from all angles and it’s easy to assume those around you are coping. But when it come to mental health and those having suicidal thoughts, it’s not an easy topic to discuss with those in your life with fear of judgement, embarrassment or even just acknowledging it.
I think regardless of how confident, strong and happy we may be, at some stage life gets to much for all of us to cope mentally… and this is the time you need someone to ask if you’re ok, as just know someone cares enough to see how you are can be the beginning to the path to recovery.
So this morning on the 2019 RU OK? Day Australia, I sent out 19 messages to people who I genuinely care about and would go out of my way to help. Mostly the responses we’re cheeky and asking if I was ok, but then I received a phone call from a Sunshine Coast friend who I hadn’t touched base with for a while (as life is so busy), and they Were Not OK!
We had a half an hour phone call, they felt so much better know that I cared and was always available for a chat without judgement. This made me feel great but also concerned that had I not touched base, what could have possibly happened. If we can all help one person, think how much better society would be.
Who have you asked RU OK?
Mental Health Resources
HeadSpace: https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/
Beyond Blue: http://www.beyondblue.org.au/
Relationships Australia: http://www.relationships.org.au/
Kids Help Line: http://www.kidshelp.com.au/
Parentline: http://www.parentline.org.au/
Mens Line: http://www.mensline.org.au/
Gamling Help Line: http://www.gamblinghelponline.org.au/
Mindframe Media: http://www.mindframe-media.info/
National Perinatal Depression Helpline: http://www.panda.org.au/
ReachOut.com: http://au.reachout.com/